Fate laughs in my face now that I'm an adult. My fears aren't quite the same as hers were, at least that's what I tell myself. I worry about every bruise on my children's bodies. I worry about every stray fever that has no other symptoms. My youngest has been tested for cancer three separate times now, just because I couldn't stop worrying. Poor kid.
Cancer isn't all I worry about, though. The other night I watched a news report about young children being abducted from their beds while they slept. Guess who didn't get any sleep that night? That's right. Me.
So maybe I have turned into a worry wart after all. I do try to overcome it. One way I do that is through repeating comforting things to myself. Here is my favorite:
Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made unto God."
How do you stop your worries?