Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who Do You Trust?

When Emma was 1 year old, one of my husband's cousins (who was 5) passed away.  She had cancer.

Shortly after this I was taking a class for work on germs/illnesses/cleanliness.  A statement was made that statistics showed that children who attended daycare had a much better chance at never getting cancer because they had built up such a strong immune system.

Whew!  I felt this huge relief!  After the pain my husband's family was going through, here was this tiny sliver of assurance that this wouldn't happen to me, because I worked at a daycare, and my daughter had come with me everyday since she was 9 weeks old.

Statistics?  I laugh in the face of statistics!  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!

Okay, as sad as that all is, the experience taught me a vital lesson.  You can't put your hope and trust in anything or anyone other than God.  Psalm 121:1&2 says "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."

So what are you putting your hope in?  Do you take peace from reassuring statistics?  Do you hold on tight and hope things go your way? 

I've learned that even in the face of pediatric cancer things can go well.  Do I like cancer?  No.  Would I give it back in a heartbeat?  You betcha!  But I have felt God's hand on us so often, and I have a peace now that I never knew before--a peace that tells me everything will be okay, no matter what happens.

I wish for you all to find that peace (though maybe not in the same way I found mine!).  And in case it isn't clear, I mean a peace in God.


  1. Ahhhh. God is good, isn't he?! I've been accused of living in a bubble when I don't get upset about things people think I should be upset about. They don't understand a loving father who gives us his perfect peace. I join you and praying for more to discover his peace.

  2. He IS good, Ruth! I hope more will join us in prayer : )

  3. That's a beautiful quote, Katie. =) Though I have different gods (I'm a Taoist), I do find peace in praying every day, breathing and walking meditations, and freewriting.

  4. Katie, every time I read your blog, I cry. You and your daughter are two of the most amazing people. I know exactly what you are talking about because I've been blessed enough to feel God's presence in my life. He helped me get through a tough time that I didn't think I could come back from. He knows my breaking points and He is ALWAYS there when I'm at one, reaching into my life and pulling me through. It makes me so happy to know He does the same for you and Emma.

  5. Thank you for sharing Claudine and Kelly!

  6. Katie, there is nothing like God to keep you strong in life. I often wonder how people manage that don't have God in their life. What do they do? How do they go on, day after day, relying only on themselves?

    Keep blogging. You are a light in a world that has only known darkness.
