Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My First Blog Award!

Last week I was thrilled to receive not one, but two blog awards! 

Picture  Picture

The rules of accepting these blog awards are simple:
By accepting the awards, I agree to:

1. Thank and link to the person who nominated me.

2. Share seven random facts about myself.

3. Pass the award on to 5 blogger friends.

4. Contact and congratulate the nominated blogs.

I'd like to thank Claudine, of Carry Us Off Books.  If you have small children (or if you just love books for small children, 'cause I do) you must check out her site!

Seven random facts?  Hmm...

1. I love Spaghettios with meat balls.  Gross, I know.

2. It takes a lot, lot, LOT to make me upset.  So if you ever see me upset (and this could mean mad, sad, grumpy, or irritated), you know that something, somewhere, went terribly wrong!

3. I'm a little addicted to the internet.  Not a lot...but a little.

4. I am the middle child of 5.  Do I have the middle child syndrome?  You tell me!

5. I don't like sappy romance.  Give me some adventure, or action, or ANYTHING other than sappy romance.

6. I love being a part of the St. Jude family (not that I'd chose to be a part of any hospital family, I'm just saying).  Some people ask me/tell me about how daunting going to Memphis is.  I don't feel that it's daunting at all.  I love St. Jude. (now, it was a bit daunting when we had to go every 2 weeks, I admit!)

7. Last but not least...I prefer going to bed really early and getting up really early.  I could NEVER sleep until 10 or 11 o'clock, let alone noon!

So now to pass these awards on...

Stories For Children Blog  by Alice

Grumpy Grovers by Theresa Grump

Poetic Bloomings by Marie and Walt

Haas Blaag by David Haas

Miranda Paul Books by Miranda Paul

So there they are, my first ever blog awards.  It's all in fun, and doesn't everyone need a little fun now and then?  I hope to be enjoying a lot of fun soon, as we travel to the beach for a cancer family retreat with Lighthouse Family Retreats (more on that next week!).

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Congrats on the awards, Katie! You deserve them. I can't sleep late either. I'm up everyday at 6am. And I'm not really a night person, though when I have a deadline, I can pretty much give up sleep. Spaghetti and meatballs was my favorite food when I was growing up. My mom makes awesome meatballs. I'm still not sure why hers taste better than mine when I use her recipe. :)

  2. Thanks, Kelly! Yeah, my mom's food always tastes better, too : ) (I almost think it tastes so good because I don't have to cook it!)
