Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Free Books and DVD!

We came across the American Children's Cancer Organization, and I wanted to pass the info along.  They offer free books and DVD's, for parents, siblings, and children with cancer.  Emma really enjoyed the children's books and DVD (even though the DVD made me cry!).  I hope you'll check them out :)

WHO WE ARE: The American Children's Cancer Organization...because kids can't fight cancer alone!

WHAT WE DO: Our mission is to provide information and support for children and adolescents with cancer and their families, to provide grassroots leadership through advocacy and awareness, and to support research leading to a cure for all children diagnosed with this life-threatening disease.

HOW TO REQUEST MATERIALS: Visit this link to see the list of free books and DVD's! 

HOW TO DONATE: If you would like to donate to the American Children's Cancer Organization, visit here!  You can also get kids involved in fighting pediatric cancer!  The ACCO sponsors a fundraising program called PJammin, where kids where their pajamas to raise money for kids with cancer.  They collect $1 donations for pediatric cancer research.  You can visit www.pjammin.org for more information.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fear Not

I have learned a very big lesson going through pediatric cancer.  I have learned about my own insignificance.  I don't mean I am unimportant, or that other people are better than I am.  I mean that I know I can do nothing--not on my own.

My greatest desire is for the safety of my children.  I can do many things to help them toward this goal, things like making them wear bicycle helmets and seat belts, or teaching them about strangers, but in the end there is nothing I can do to keep them safe from cancer, car accidents, kidnappers, or just plain old bad things.  Only God can do that. 

It's like my life as a writer.  I can control only certain aspects of my "career".  I can polish my writing skills, edit my words to perfection, study the current book markets, and send my manuscripts out--but I cannot control whether an editor rejects or accepts my work.  I do all I can, but in the end the outcome is not really my decision to make.

What is your greatest desire?  Are you pulling the load on your own?  Is it too heavy for you?  Give it to God; he will carry it for you. 

Trees photo

Psalm 46: 1-3
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and thouh the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.  Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.  Selah.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Bald Barbie!


You may or may not be aware of a recent Facebook campaign that's been sweeping the nation.  Parents of children with cancer have been after Mattel, the maker of Barbie, to create a bald Barbie.  They argued that this would help young girls who lose their hair to better cope, and deal with their hair loss.

Mattel finally listened, to their credit.  They have announced they will produce a bald friend of Barbie, which will come with hats and other head covering accessories.  It will come out in 2013, and be distributed soley through children's hospitals and treatment centers.

At first I thought Emma wouldn't be at all interested in this.  She was scared of her own hair loss, and refused to look in the mirror.  But when I told her about the Barbie she was very excited!  She said she hopes she can get one, and I'm sure she will :)

It is a wonderful show of recognition for children with cancer everywhere.  So many people are afraid to talk about pediatric cancer, like it's a hex or something.  If they talk about it, it might happen to them.  This is a much needed acknowledgement of our children's struggles.  So, thanks Mattel!

Here is the article released by Mattel, in case you're interested in learning more!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunshine Award

I've recieved the Sunshine Award from Kelly Hashway.  Thanks, Kelly!  I'm honored :)  The rules of the award are simple: 

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
3. Write a post about it.
4. Pass it along to 10 other bloggers.

So here are my questions and answers, and I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little bit better!

1. Favorite color?  Blue (but pink is a close runner up!)

2. Favorite animal?  Kittens (NOT cats, only kittens)

3. Favorite number?  3 (no reasoning for this)

4. Favorite drink?  Pepsi, or Sprite with strawberry (which I get from Applebee's!)

5. Facebook or Twitter?  Facebook

6. My passion?  My girls, and learning.  I love teaching to help others learn, and I love learning new things myself.  Knowledge is power!

7. Getting or giving?  Giving, hands down.

8. Favorite pattern?  I have to admit, I don't know what this means.

9. Favorite day of the week?  Monday!

10. Favorite flower?  This is a tough one--I love ALL flowers!

So, I have to pass this award along, and I chose 10 blogs I follow that always spread sunshine.  I hope you'll check a few out!

Fi Philips
Rick Starkey
Terrie Hope
Elizabeth Young
Allyn Stotz
Angelia Almos
Amanda Romine
Kristie Williams
Anne E. Johnson